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Water Utilities use GIS Applications (e.g Arc GIS)
Asset Management, Planning & Analysis, Field Mobility , Operational Awareness, Stakeholder Engagement and Asset Management


Water utility asset management starts with compiling a comprehensive Geodatabase of  GVWC utility networks from source documents such as as-built drawings, 
developer submissions, construction plans, field observations, redlines design files, Video data and GPS data collectors.


Asset Management
Compiling GWVC Geodatabase

Planning & Analysis:- Short term planning includes optimization of daily tasks such as proactive and reactive work orders, scheduled maintenance, service turn on turn offs and meter reads.


Infrastructure Capital Improvement Planning Template, which provides a flexible set of geoprocessing models to serve as a guide for how to analyze your infrastructure data and incorporate your organization’s CIP and asset management decision making factors a costing toolset for interactive estimation of the cost of new infrastructure or the replacement or repair of existing infrastructure.


Field Mobility

 Water utility field crews rely on maps to know where assets are, what they are and how they are connected to your utility networks.

 ArcGIS makes it easy to deploy intuitive maps and applications to field crews that can be utilized in a variety of devices from laptops and ruggedized tablet computers to phone and tables devices running the common smart phone operating systems.

 With ArcGIS you can go from simple interactive maps to rich field applications that provide mobile workers with powerful data analysis, redline creation, GPS data capture, driving directions, integrate with other systems and synchronization of office and field data updates.


Operational Awareness

 A dynamic view of a water utility's current and historic operations, planned activities and customer interactions along with your distribution and collection systems.

 For example, a water utility manager with ArcGIS can quickly answer questions such as:

 How is our water network performing? 
Where and what types of pipes have leaked over the past 5 years? 
Where have we had sewer overflows in the past? 
What customers are currently out-of-service due to an unplanned interruption? 
Where are our work crews now, and which tasks have they completed today? 
What is the status of each of my Capital Improvement Projects for this fiscal year?



Stakeholder Engagement

Dynamic mapping applications for customer self service and service requests

Transparency into utility operations and spending 

Capital improvement project coordination 
Spatial analysis and public facing mapping applications for boil water and service interruption notices 
Web mapping applications to support customer service representatives and utility call center personnel 
Spatial analysis for key performance indicators (KPIs) 
Spatially enabling customer information systems (CIS) and work order management systems 
ArcGIS for Water Utilities includes a web browser based Public Information Center Template to allow water utility stakeholder to submit service requests, view publically shared information and interact with social media feeds
GIS for Mapping and Accountability, Customer and Councilors Empowered


Mapping of water points:


The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources is surveying all protected public water points in Sierra Leone. 
The exact geographic location of each point is captured along with a series of characteristics including type and functionality. 
Enumerators have been deployed with Android smartphones adapted to function as cheap and efficient mapping devices. 
The primary intended use of the data is for Government planning and budgeting.


The World Bank and UNICEF are providing technical support to this project a one time Investment Assessment of about GWVC

Guma Valley Water Company GEODATABASE

 GWVC Assets

 Water Resource Basin, Storage Supply, Trunk linesm Main Distribution into Council, Wards, Constituency, Secondary Street Connection, Service Line to Cadastral Plot

 Planning Data

GVWC Ward/ Council/ Constituency -Level Planning – Supply 
Metered Inlet and Outlets into Wards
Storage Capacities within Cadastral Plots 
Wells – status Pipeline routes, Public Stands and delivery alternatives (boozer)
GVWC Ward/ Council/ Constituency -Level Planning - Demand
Ward Population, Usage and Demand
Customer Consumption per Cadastral plot. 
Usage at Public Stands


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